- Member Greens Fees
- $145 Monday –Wednesday, $165 Thursday, $199 Friday – Sunday & Holidays
- Twilight Rates
- $119 Monday – Wednesday, $129 Thursday, $169 Friday – Sunday & Holidays
- Up to Three (3) Guests per visit at same rate
- 5 Day Advance Booking Window
- 9 Hole Rate Available
- GHIN Handicap
- Earn a Complimentary Round for Every 7 Rounds Paid
- Complimentary round of golf on your next visit after players club purchase
- Discounts on golf lessons
- 20% off Golf Shop Merchandise
- 10% off Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage purchases
Terms & Conditions
Card is valid 12 months from the date of purchase. Program details and benefits subject to change without notice. Golf tee times are subject to availability. 48 hour cancellation policy applies in all instances. Additional restrictions and blackout dates may apply. Complimentary rounds are subject to availability. This program cannot be combined with any additional discount, promotion or group rate. Direct billing accounts will require a credit card on file (on approved credit) for monthly billing. Account must be paid in full monthly. Twilight times vary based on daylight saving, these tee times are not guaranteed to finish 18 holes. Maderas MAP Cards are not transferable or refundable.